UAE Reveals 88 Illegal Apiaries in Ras Al Khaimah's Shawka Area

The Environment Protection and Development Authority in Ras Al Khaimah executed a surprise joint campaign with the Department of Public Services, resulting in the removal of 88 illegal apiaries across four locations in the Shawka area.

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This initiative was driven by a thorough assessment of the adverse effects of unauthorized apiaries on both the environment and the local community.

Preserving biodiversity and countering environmental challenges

Aligned with ongoing efforts to preserve biodiversity and address environmental challenges, the campaign focuses on safeguarding natural resources and the overall environment. Identifying illegal apiaries adheres to environmental standards, ensuring that random, unlicensed activities that could harm bee populations' feeding ranges are prohibited.

Strategic Approach for a Balanced Future

Dr. Saif Al-Ghais, the Director General of the Environment Protection and Development Authority, emphasized that these campaigns are integral to the authority's strategy. This strategy seeks to strike a balance between societal needs and environmental preservation, demonstrating the authority's commitment to tackling environmental challenges and fostering awareness within the local community about the importance of environmental conservation for a healthy and sustainable future.

Regulating Beekeeping and Honey Production

The Environment Protection and Development Authority has recently outlined mechanisms and conditions for beekeeping, honey production, and apiary establishment. These regulations aim to safeguard national natural wealth, biodiversity, and the local bee population. The measures also include the regulation of the profession and the elimination of harmful bee species to protect the production of "Emirati honey" and the rights of industry professionals.

New Conditions for Beekeeping Licensing

The Authority will now require licenses from anyone who sells honey and is involved in beekeeping within the emirate. Owners of apiaries, beekeepers, and honey producers must register their facilities, and the Authority will periodically check them. After completing the "Apiary Registration Form" and having their apiaries approved, beekeepers are issued a "Beekeeping Registration Certificate," which is valid for one year.

Strict Criteria for Apiaries

The conditions outline how many apiaries are permitted at each location, taking into account local and regional factors. The authority regulates the availability of transportable hives and ordered apiaries that are open to inspectors. Periodic inspection dates are scheduled to discover unwanted bee species and honey bee pests, as well as to guarantee adherence to legal, environmental, and regulatory norms. These actions demonstrate the authority's dedication to encouraging ethical beekeeping methods and preserving the environment.

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