UAE Outlets Suspend Plastic Bag Use Completely Starting January 2024

In accordance with the countrywide prohibition on single-use plastic bags, retail establishments have declared that they will stop stocking and utilising single-use plastic shopping bags as of January 1, 2024.

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Shops are preparing for this shift by stocking a range of reusable bags in various sizes and pricing points.

Carrefour's Initiatives:

Bertrand Lombe, director of the Carrefour store chain in the Emirates at Majid Al Futtaim Retail, stated that Carrefour will completely stop using plastic bags in line with the state's decision. Carrefour has been proactive in offering a wide range of reusable bags at reasonable prices to reduce plastic consumption. The store has seen an 87% increase in the use of reusable bags since 2022 and has been a pioneer in providing reusable bags since 2007.

Carrefour's objective of becoming carbon neutral by 2040 is in line with Majid Al Futtaim Retail's overarching vision of a more sustainable future.

Lulu Group International's Commitment:

The Lulu Group International has committed to outlawing single-use plastic shopping bags at all of its locations by January 1, 2024, according to Nanda Kumar, Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications. To encourage people to choose environmentally friendly options, the group charges a price for plastic bag purchases and offers a variety of non-plastic bag alternatives, including cloth and multi-use bags.

UAE's Sustainable Future:

Rajeev Tamara, an official at a major outlet, highlighted that the decision to stop using single-use plastic shopping bags is in line with the government's initiative issued last year. Outlets are prepared with a range of reusable bags in various sizes and prices, contributing to the UAE's efforts to establish a sustainable future in all sectors. The UAE is pioneering sustainable solutions to address the environmental impact of single-use bags, emphasising the importance of sustainable consumption and implementing circular economy systems for plastic waste.

The Emirates has implemented an integrated system to raise public awareness about sustainable consumption and circular economy practices, aiming to reduce the environmental impact of the annual 13 billion single-use plastic bags used in the country.

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