UAE court orders a girl to repay a young man DH22,500 for breach of trust

The Abu Dhabi Family, Civil, and Administrative Claims Court has rendered a verdict compelling a young woman to reimburse a young man an amount of 22 thousand dirhams.

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The lawsuit was initiated by the young man, who sought both financial compensation and interest. He contended that he had loaned the defendant 22 thousand dirhams at intervals, and she failed to repay the sum.

In response, the defendant argued that the amounts transferred to her by the plaintiff were gifts and donations, as he purportedly intended to propose to her. The court, in its ruling, invoked the Civil Transactions Law, emphasising that no one is permitted to take another person's money without a legitimate reason, and if taken, it must be returned. The plaintiff presented his case, asserting that he had provided the defendant with a loan, which she did not refute.

The court found the defendant's defence lacking in validity, stating that she bore the burden of proving the amounts were gifts. Since she did not request an investigation to substantiate her defence, the court determined the validity of her debt to the plaintiff for the loaned amount.

Regarding the compensation claim, the court attributed the mistake to the defendant, resulting in material damages for the plaintiff. This deprivation of benefits and the emotional distress suffered by the plaintiff led the court to deem compensation necessary. The court awarded the plaintiff a sum of 500 dirhams, considering it sufficient for both material and moral damages.

Moreover, the court ruled in favour of the plaintiff, obligating the defendant to repay the loaned amount of 22 thousand dirhams along with an additional 500 dirhams in compensation. The defendant was also obligated to cover the fees and expenses associated with the legal proceedings.

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