UAE Authority Introduces Winter Camping Safety Measures in Sharjah

As winter sets in, families are drawn to camping in mountainous and desert areas, prompting authorities to emphasize safety measures.

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Key Safety Measures for Winter Camping in Sharjah:

The Sharjah Prevention and Safety Authority, along with the General Administration of Civil Defense in Ajman, have outlined crucial guidelines to ensure the safety of individuals and families venturing into wild and mountainous regions during this season.

1. Check weather conditions:

Evaluate the weather conditions before camping to anticipate any challenges.

2. Choose a prominent location:

Select a visible spot away from vehicle paths for enhanced safety.

3. Avoid camping near electricity towers:

Steer clear of camping in close proximity to electricity towers to minimize risks.

4. Proper Tent Installation:

Ensure correct tent installation for stability and protection against the elements.

5. Ventilate tents adequately.

Provide sufficient ventilation within tents for a safe and comfortable experience.

6. Use appropriate kinderling materials:

Safely use materials for kindling fires and isolate kindling sites from camping areas.

7. Follow fire safety procedures:

Extinguish fires thoroughly after use, and avoid burying them.

8. Electrical Safety Measures:

Avoid overloading electrical connections, ensure wire safety, and keep a fire extinguisher on hand.

Prevention Guidelines and General Safety:

  • Follow safe methods for storing flammable materials.
  • Be cautious with electrical connections and ensure their safety.
  • Familiarize yourself with emergency numbers and practice using a fire extinguisher.
  • Have first-aid equipment readily available and know the location of the nearest health center.
  • Remove waste and maintain cleanliness at the camping site.

General Administration of Civil Defense in Ajman's Recommendations:

  • Choose a safe and prominent camping site away from the edges of valleys and flood streams.
  • Install tents securely, equipped with a manual fire extinguisher and a first-aid bag.
  • Avoid the permanent use of wood and coal heating to prevent carbon monoxide emissions.
  • Exercise caution with firewood heating in enclosed spaces to prevent suffocation and adverse health effects.
  • Consider modern heating devices that meet safety specifications as an alternative to traditional methods in closed spaces.

Prioritizing safety during winter camping in Sharjah involves adherence to these comprehensive guidelines. By following these measures, individuals and families can ensure a secure and enjoyable outdoor experience while preserving lives, property, and the well-being of the community.

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