UAE Court fines two fraudsters 761,000 AED for a luxury car seizure

The Dubai Court of Appeal has overturned a previous ruling that resulted in the imprisonment of two individuals of Arab nationality.

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Overturned Conviction and Fine

The lower court had imposed a fine of 761,000 dirhams on each after finding them guilty of fraudulently seizing a luxury car. The Court of Appeal, however, has now annulled the decision, citing a resolution reached through reconciliation between the two parties involved.

Origins of the Case

The case stemmed from the fraudulent acquisition of a luxury car by the first defendant, who had purchased the vehicle from its owner without the requisite legal guarantees or payment in cash. The owner had advertised the car for sale on an online marketplace, and the defendant, through deceptive means, convinced him that the purchase was for the benefit of an influential individual.

Prosecution and Charges

Following the incident, the public prosecutor brought charges against the defendants. One was accused of using fraudulent methods to seize property transferred to others (the car), while the other faced charges of aiding and abetting by providing a SIM card in his name for use in fraudulent activities.

Victim's Deceptive Transaction

The victim, the owner of a company specialising in custom vehicle modifications, had displayed the luxury car for sale online. The first defendant, posing as an individual associated with a prestigious profession, expressed interest in purchasing the vehicle for an influential person. They agreed on a price of 761,920 dirhams, and the defendant provided the name of a person to transfer ownership to. The victim registered the car in that person's name without receiving any compensation, only to later discover the vehicle being offered for sale in another emirate.

Defence and Denial

The accused, when questioned about his role, denied participating in the crime. He claimed to have provided a SIM card for a friend residing in an Arab country about a year ago, unaware of its use in fraudulent activities. The court documents included the vehicle ownership certificate in the victim's name, followed by a transfer certificate to another person convicted in similar cases. The accused involved in the fraudulent seizure did not appear before the court despite being announced.

Court of First Instance's Ruling

The initial court found the second accused guilty of fraudulent seizure, using a false name, and claiming a nationality other than his own. It sentenced both defendants to six months in prison and a fine of 761,920 dirhams. The court, satisfied with the victim's testimony and supporting documents, concluded that the evidence established criminal intent.

Appeal Court's Decision

Contrary to the initial ruling, the Dubai Court of Appeal overturned the conviction against the accused with criminal participation due to the case expiring through reconciliation between the parties. This reversal highlights the complex dynamics of legal proceedings and the potential for alternative resolutions in certain cases.

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