Emirates School Education Foundation Announces Semester Results Schedule

The Emirates School Education Foundation has unveiled the timetable for releasing the results of the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, covering all levels from ninth to twelfth grade.

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Results Rollout Schedule:

  • January 9, 2024: Announcement of 12th-grade results
  • January 10, 2024: Announcement of results for grades nine to eleven
  • January 11, 2024: Announcement of results for students in grades five to eight
  • January 12, 2024: Announcement of results for grades one to four

According to the outlined programme, students can access their results at 10 a.m. on the specified dates, with the option to electronically print certificates available from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. on the corresponding dates.

Parent-Teacher Meetings:

The Foundation placed a strong emphasis on scheduling conferences with educators, parents, and schools in order to go over students' test scores, explain how they are doing academically, and create plans to raise academic performance. These talks, which emphasise the cooperative role of parents and schools as essential partners in enhancing the results of the National Education System, are intended to promote a comprehensive approach to student development.

Reviewing Results:

For those seeking a review of results, the institution has established a mechanism for students and parents to submit requests through the provided link: https://idh.ese.gov.ae/complain. This electronic review process is open to all government school students in grades three to twelve, as well as twelfth-grade students in private schools. The review encompasses the final evaluation grade decision, including the end-of-semester test grade and a maximum of three Group “A” subjects.

Parental Guidance:

Parents are urged by the Foundation to become acquainted with the student performance evaluation policy, which may be found on the website of the institution. In order to enhance students' cognitive and skill development, this proactive involvement aims to promote teamwork and harmonise tactics.

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