An Indian traveler spots the missing teen in Sharjah at this place

It's a stunning development that Felix Jeby, 18, who vanished over the weekend, has turned up alive.

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On the intervening night between Sunday and Monday, Felix, an autistic person, was found at the departure section of Dubai Airport. His father, Jeby Thomas, expressed his appreciation and said, "With God's grace, he's with us," expressing his enormous relief. He praised all of them for their help during the trying times.

When Felix vanished on Saturday night while out shopping at City Center Sharjah with his mother and sister, his concerned parents and the Sharjah Police launched a frantic search. It's still unknown, though, how he got to Dubai Airport Terminal 1, which is 18 kilometers away from City Center Sharjah. Given his sore legs, Jeby Thomas thinks his kid might have walked to the airport. "We didn't ask him any questions as he was tired and needed rest," he explained.

The reunion, according to Feby, was made possible by the alertness of an Indian traveler heading to Kuwait who saw Felix at the airport. "He was seen at the airport by a traveler going to Kuwait. Only after arriving at his destination did he see the missing poster on social media and give us a call. We are extremely happy that he is back." The unexpected turn of events has resulted in the safe return of Felix Jeby, 18, who vanished over the weekend. During the nights of Sunday and Monday, Felix, an autistic person, was discovered at the departure area of Dubai Airport.

His father, Jeby Thomas, expressed immense relief and gratitude, remarking, "By God's grace, he's with us." He extended his thanks to everyone for their support during the challenging ordeal. Felix went missing during a shopping excursion to City Center Sharjah with his mother and sister on Saturday evening, prompting a frantic search by his concerned parents and the Sharjah Police.

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