Abu Dhabi Court Adjourns Terrorism-Related Case Amid Money Laundering Allegations

On Friday, January 12, 2024, the Abu Dhabi Federal Appeal Court adjourned the proceedings for Case No (87) of 2023, a high-profile case involving multiple individuals and entities accused of establishing and managing a terrorist organization, along with allegations of money laundering associated with the said criminal activities.

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Adjournment and Future Hearing

Two prosecution witnesses testified about money laundering charges against five defendants and six entities they were associated with during the court session. The financial statements of the defendants' businesses and their alleged participation in money laundering operations benefiting the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization were the primary topics of discussion during the public session, which was attended by defense attorneys, defendants' families, and representatives from the media.

The court deliberated with the witnesses for an extensive period of nearly four hours, engaging in discussions with defense counsels. The defendants were also given the opportunity to confront and discuss the testimonies presented during the session. The hearing has been adjourned, and the court is scheduled to reconvene on February 7-8, during which the public prosecution will present its pleadings.

Background of the Case

The UAE Attorney-General, Dr. Hamad Saif Al Shamsi, has sent eighty-four defendants to the Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal. The majority of these defendants are Muslim Brotherhood members in the UAE, a terrorist group. Among the accusations is the formation of a second underground group with the goal of carrying out terrorist attacks in the United Arab Emirates. In Case No. 17 of 2013—State Security, the defendants are accused of hiding the crime and related evidence prior to their arrest and conviction.

The adjournment of the hearing reflects the complexity and gravity of the charges faced by the accused. As the legal proceedings continue, the court's meticulous examination of the case highlights the significance of addressing terrorism-related activities and ensuring a fair and thorough judicial process. The upcoming sessions are anticipated to shed further light on the allegations and provide a platform for the presentation of the public prosecution's case.

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