UAE unveils 30-day visa exemption deal with Asian country

In a significant move to deepen bilateral relations and foster mutual interests, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Uzbekistan have inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for a reciprocal exemption from entry visas. This agreement encompasses Special and Mission passport holders, as well as ordinary passport holders.

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UAE and Uzbekistan Strengthen Ties with a Visa Exemption Deal

The exemption from visa requirements applies to UAE nationals carrying special and mission passports, along with ordinary passport holders with a validity of at least six months. This initiative eliminates the need for UAE citizens to apply for electronic visas when visiting Uzbekistan. The agreement allows them to stay in the country for up to 30 days per visit.

Simultaneously, citizens of Uzbekistan holding biometric passports, international passports for foreign travel, or domestic passports for return to Uzbekistan are also exempt from visa requirements when entering the UAE. The mutual waiver of visas is a tangible step towards facilitating seamless movement between the two nations.

The visa exemption measures became effective on January 15, 2024, marking a milestone in the collaborative efforts to streamline travel procedures and enhance people-to-people connections.

Khaled Abdullah Belhoul, Under-Secretary of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Abdulaziz Akkulov, Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the UAE, formally signed the Memorandum of Understanding. This ceremonial act reflects the commitment of both nations to fortify their ties and promote cooperation in various spheres, including politics, economics, culture, education, and other shared areas of interest.

The visa exemption agreement stands as a strategic and positive development in the ongoing efforts to strengthen the longstanding relationship between the UAE and Uzbekistan. It is anticipated to facilitate increased collaboration and interaction, fostering a more dynamic partnership in the years ahead.

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