UAE Residents to Anticipate the Visibility of Upcoming Solar Eclipse

People who observe the sky from all over the world are looking forward to an amazing event that will happen on April 8.

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However, because of the UAE's position, people there will only be able to see a partial solar eclipse. Through Mexico, the US, and Canada, there will be a total solar eclipse over North America. Beginning above the South Pacific Ocean, an unusual astronomical event will occur. The NASA website explains that a total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly in front of the sun, obstructing its face entirely. And thus the sky grows dimmer, like morning or evening.

Experts in the United Arab Emirates stress that solar eclipses, particularly hybrid varieties, present important chances for scientific study of the sun's corona, or outermost layer of atmosphere. Total solar eclipses depend on how big the moon appears in our sky, according to Sarath Raj, Project Director of Amity Dubai Satellite Ground Station and AmiSat at Amity University Dubai. Even though the Moon is almost 400 times smaller than the Sun, because of its close proximity to Earth, it may completely block out the Sun during an eclipse.

During a total solar eclipse, the moon's shadow divides into two parts: the umbra, where the sun is fully obscured, leading to a period of total darkness known as totality, and the penumbra, the outer region where the sun is partially obscured, resulting in a partial eclipse in nearby areas.

Unfortunately, because it will pass over North America on April 8, 2024, the upcoming complete solar eclipse will not be visible from the United Arab Emirates. However, residents of the United Arab Emirates can expect to see a partial solar eclipse; depending on where they live, the amount of the sun's obscuration will vary, usually between 10 and 20 percent. Eclipse viewing is set to begin at sunrise, with the sun expected to darken to its maximum extent at approximately 7:45 a.m. UAE time.

It's important to use caution when making astronomical observations. With the exception of a solar eclipse's brief totality periods, staring directly at the sun without appropriate eye protection can cause serious eye damage. It is essential to utilize portable solar viewers or safe sun-viewing glasses for the entire duration of partial phases. The UAE's citizens can look forward to a number of astronomical activities after the partial solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. On July 27, 2029, there will be a total lunar eclipse; on August 2, 2027, there will be another partial solar eclipse. In addition, astronomy aficionados in the United Arab Emirates can anticipate a number of meteor showers, including the Geminid in December and the Eta Aquariid in May, which happen throughout the year.

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