UAE Residents Encounter Vehicle Insurance Renewal Issues Post Rainfall

Dubai resident Saeed Aijaz has encountered a frustrating ordeal in his attempts to renew his vehicle insurance over the past week.

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Despite his persistent efforts, he has been unable to reach the sales agent who initially offered him a policy. Anthony DSouza, another expatriate, finds himself entangled in a similar predicament.

Aijaz's vehicle license expired last month while he was away, and upon his return on April 6, he faced difficulties completing the renewal process due to holiday disruptions. After reaching out to various insurance brokerage firms, he finally selected a policy on April 15. However, since April 16, which coincided with severe rainfall in the UAE, he has failed to elicit responses from any of the companies, thwarting his attempts to proceed further.

Expressing his frustration, Aijaz conveyed his urgent need to renew his registration, emphasizing that his vehicle is in impeccable condition, suggesting that concerns over potential damage may have contributed to the lack of response.

Similarly, DSouza, a marketing executive, shared his experience of delays in obtaining his insurance policy after receiving a quote on April 17.

Insurance brokers have acknowledged the significant surge in workload attributed to escalated claims and policy inquiries following the heavy rains. Toshita Chauhan, business head at, noted a remarkable increase of over 200 percent in demand compared to previous weeks. Dev Maithra, managing director of Savington International Insurance Brokers, highlighted their efforts to accommodate the influx of inquiries, including extending working hours and bolstering manpower.

The surge in demand has led to a tighter evaluation process for insurance policies, with a focus on ensuring the vehicles are in optimal condition to mitigate potential risks. Maithra emphasized the need for thorough assessments before policy issuance, including current vehicle passing reports and videos of the engine running, to prevent fraudulent claims.

Chauhan admitted processing delays within their firm due to heightened scrutiny of the risks associated with insured vehicles. Moreover, customers are now more discerning, meticulously examining policy coverage before making decisions, a departure from the previous tendency to opt for the cheapest available option.

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