UAE Ministry strongly condemns terrorist attack in Turkey

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs extends its heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims.

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Security personnel inspect the area where two assailants were neutralized outside a courthouse in Istanbul, Turkey, on Tuesday. The UAE has vehemently denounced the terrorist assault in Istanbul, Turkey, which resulted in numerous casualties and injuries among innocent civilians.

In an official statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) reiterated the UAE's unwavering support for all endeavors undertaken by the Turkish government to apprehend the perpetrators of this terrorist atrocity. Additionally, the UAE stands behind all measures implemented by Turkey to safeguard its security and stability.

Moreover, the Ministry expressed the UAE's unequivocal condemnation of these despicable criminal actions, reaffirming its steadfast rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism. Such acts aim to destabilize security and stability, contravening international law. The Ministry extends its sincere condolences and sympathy to the government and people of Turkey, as well as to the families of the victims affected by this abhorrent crime. Furthermore, the UAE expresses its hopes for a swift recovery for all those injured in the incident.

The Ministry emphasized the UAE's solidarity with Turkey during this challenging time and reiterated its commitment to collaborating with the international community in combating terrorism in all its forms. The UAE stands firm in its belief that terrorism cannot be justified under any circumstances and must be addressed through collective efforts and cooperation among nations.

Moreover, the Ministry underscored the importance of unity and solidarity in the face of terrorism and reiterated the UAE's unwavering commitment to promoting peace, stability, and security regionally and globally. The UAE remains resolute in its support for efforts aimed at eradicating terrorism and ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals and communities affected by such heinous acts.

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