UAE imposes fines up to 200,000 AED for exam cheating

Exam cheating is now illegal under a new federal law that imposes severe penalties, including fines of up to Dh200,000, on those found guilty of different exam fraud-related offences.

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Passed last year together with seventy-three other federal regulations covering a wide range of industries, this rule targets anyone who is not a student who engages in three forbidden activities: sharing test-related information, changing exam answers or scores, and taking the exam under the identity of another student.

Under this law, individuals who aid or facilitate the commission of these acts, knowingly or otherwise, are subject to the same penalties as the primary offenders. Perpetrators may also face up to six months of community service in addition to or in lieu of fines upon conviction. Moreover, disciplinary measures will be initiated against students caught cheating, aligning with the conduct regulations enforced by the Ministry of Education and educational authorities in each emirate and institution.

Cheating is broadly defined as the unauthorised acquisition or dissemination of exam content through illicit means, including hacking electronic systems, falsifying results, or using prohibited devices during exams. The legislation applies universally to both public and private educational institutions, covering schools, universities, and colleges.

Academic integrity objectives should be clearly communicated to students, and teachers should receive comprehensive training, according to educational leaders who stress the significance of cultivating an integrity-focused culture within their institutions. Misconduct incidents are seen as teaching moments rather than as chances for harsh punishment, with a focus on assisting students in becoming morally upright members of society.

Schools prioritise moral instruction and uphold a strong framework to avoid violations, as well as strict assessment protocols and sanctions for misbehaviour. Schools work together to guarantee the integrity of exam papers, and stringent invigilation procedures further bolster the dedication to equitable evaluation procedures.

Moreover, the new legislation signals a firm stance against cheating in examinations, underscoring the importance of integrity in education and the collective responsibility of stakeholders to uphold ethical standards.

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