UAE Court Sentences Duo for Diesel Theft and Stolen Goods

The Dubai Criminal Court recently issued a verdict, sentencing an Asian individual for the theft of diesel from trucks and another defendant for purchasing stolen goods.

Read also: UAE Court Fines Vehicle Driver 1000 AED for Profanity and Misconduct

Vehicle Theft Scheme Unveiled

The intricate case unfolded as one of the defendants exploited a parked truck in a sandy lot, starting and relocating it to another area, where he proceeded to syphon off the diesel.

Prompt Police Response and Surveillance

Upon receiving the theft report, Dubai Police swiftly took action, deploying the necessary measures to apprehend the culprits. Surveillance cameras on roads and buildings were examined, revealing the stolen truck parked in the first Jebel Ali Industrial Area. The accused was identified and subsequently tracked by a police team.

Confession and Chain of Events

Under interrogation, the primary defendant confessed to stealing the truck, utilising an old vehicle's key. He admitted to driving it to another location and selling the stolen diesel for 450 dirhams. While denying the theft of two batteries, he implicated the second defendant as the buyer of the diesel. The latter, upon questioning, acknowledged the diesel purchase but disclaimed any awareness of its stolen origin.

Court Verdict and Sentences

During the court proceedings, both defendants adhered to their statements. The court, after careful consideration, convicted the first defendant of night theft, sentencing him to one month's imprisonment, deportation, and a 1,650-dirham fine. The second defendant, charged with possessing items obtained from a crime, received a one-month prison term, deportation, and a 450-dirham fine.

Moreover, the Dubai Criminal Court's decisive action brings closure to a case involving diesel theft and the illicit trade of stolen goods. The sentences reflect the seriousness with which the court addresses crimes involving theft and the possession of stolen property.

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