UAE Court sentenced a man and his wife to 66 years in prison for this reason

The Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation recently confirmed convictions against a citizen, his wife, and 16 co-defendants from various nationalities in a complex legal saga involving 12 cases.

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The charges encompassed a range of offenses, including harming public funds, forgery, bribery, profiteering, appropriation, commercial fraud, and disrupting a public facility.

Severe Penalties for Key Figures

The primary defendant and his wife received substantial penalties, with a combined prison sentence of 66 years and fines totaling 39 million dirhams. This underscored the gravity of the crimes they were found guilty of committing.

Varied Sentences for Co-Defendants

The remaining 16 defendants faced convictions resulting in prison terms ranging from three to 15 years, accompanied by fines amounting to 13 million dirhams. These sentences were handed down following investigations initiated by the Public Prosecution in Abu Dhabi, triggered by reports from relevant authorities.

Expired Goods, Bribery, and Public Facility Disruption

The accused couple was exposed for engaging in unlawful activities within their residence, where private warehouses were established to store expired food and consumer goods. Their modus operandi involved tampering with expiration dates and reintroducing these products into the market.

Among the crimes committed were soliciting and accepting gifts to exert alleged influence, mediating with public authorities for personal gain, and manipulating water facilities. The defendants caused damage to water pipes, leading to disruptions in public facilities. Deliberate sabotage of electrical equipment in properties owned by the primary defendant resulted in electrical short circuits, endangering lives and disrupting the supply of electricity to others.

The defendants also attempted to seize public roads, disrupting land transportation. Forging official and electronic documents played a pivotal role in carrying out these crimes. In terms of commercial fraud, the accused intentionally altered product characteristics and provided misleading data, endangering public health. They promoted adulterated and expired goods through deceptive advertising, falsely claiming quality and suitability.

This complex legal battle not only reveals a web of financial crimes but also emphasizes the commitment of the Abu Dhabi judiciary to bring those responsible to justice.

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