UAE court fines a young man 6000 AED for slander

The charges revolve around defaming the victim through information technology, resulting in a fine of a thousand dirhams for the accused. The ruling is final and unchallenged on appeal.

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In a recent legal development, a voice message accusing a young man of being a "false witness" has led to his referral by the Public Prosecution in Ras Al Khaimah to the Criminal Court.

Background and Accusation

The plaintiff asserted that the defendant's voice message on WhatsApp harmed his reputation, causing contempt among family and relatives, and diminishing his dignity. The defendant's action, as affirmed by the final criminal ruling, constituted defamation and inflicted both material and moral damage.

Legal Consequences

The civil court of first instance ruled that the criminal order lacks authority against the civil court, emphasizing its discretionary power to determine the truth of the incident and assess the extent of the defendant's fault and the damage caused to the plaintiff. The defendant was found to have confessed to defaming the plaintiff through the voice message, admitting to the charge during police interviews, public prosecution investigations, and court proceedings.

Civil Court's Decision

In exercising its discretionary authority, the civil court concluded that the defendant's defamation was established, causing moral damage to the plaintiff's reputation. While rejecting the plaintiff's claim for financial compensation due to a lack of evidence proving the nature of the alleged damage, the court ordered the defendant to pay 6,000 dirhams as compensation for the proven moral damage. Additionally, the defendant was obligated to cover fees, expenses, and attorney's fees. Any further claims beyond the established compensation were rejected by the court.

The Ras Al Khaimah Court's decision underscores the legal consequences of defamatory actions through electronic means and affirms the defendant's accountability for damages caused to the plaintiff's reputation, providing a legal recourse for those who fall victim to such misconduct.

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