UAE court fines a man 9,000 AED for assaulting his wife

A ruling requiring a Gulf husband to provide his wife with 9,000 dirhams in compensation has been issued by the Civil Court of First Instance in Ras Al Khaimah.

Read also: UAE court orders a woman to repay a 288,500 AED car loan

This settlement is intended to make up for the pecuniary and moral harm that he caused her by smashing her phone and abusing it physically. Moreover, the spouse was ordered by the court to pay the costs of the action, attorney's fees, and legal representation.

The defendant's representative argued for the case's dismissal, asserting that the incident's authenticity remained unproven. He contended that the accusations against his client were dubious and speculative. The plaintiff, according to the representative, failed to provide evidence of the criminal ruling's finality. He emphasised that the evidence presented did not preclude the consideration of justifications for compensation and pointed out the plaintiff's inability to substantiate the alleged damages.

Contrary to the defence's claims, the Civil Court affirmed in its ruling that the defendant had been conclusively convicted of physically assaulting the plaintiff and destroying her phone. The court considered this criminal ruling as established in the case records.

The court acknowledged the proven material damage, valued it at 4,000 dirhams, and deemed the request for compensation valid. In addressing the request for moral damages, the court took into account the husband's assault on the wife's physical well-being, causing injuries and undermining her dignity. The insult was aggravated by the fact that she was his wife and the mother of his children, deserving respectful treatment. Consequently, the court estimated the moral damages at 5,000 dirhams.

In line with its findings, the court ruled that the defendant must compensate the plaintiff with a total of 9,000 dirhams for both material and moral damages. Furthermore, the court mandated the defendant to cover the case fees and attorney fees incurred during the legal proceedings.

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