UAE announces a 14-day maximum resolution period for individual labor complaints

The Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Awar, has issued a decision outlining the procedures for individual labour complaints, providing workers, assistant workers, and employers the right to file such complaints within 30 days.

Read also: UAE: MOHRE urges claims for compensation in unemployment insurance programme

This can be done without breaching their obligations as outlined in the employment contract, laws, executive regulations, or other applicable decisions. The Ministry commits to deciding on these complaints within 14 days of submission, aiming to settle, issue a final decision, or refer the matter to the judiciary.

Ministerial Resolution No. 782 of 2023 details the procedures for individual labour complaints where the dispute's value is below 50 thousand dirhams or has been amicably settled. In such cases, the Ministry is responsible for issuing a decision. If the claim's value is the subject of the dispute and does not exceed 50 thousand dirhams, or if an amicable settlement is reached, the Ministry's decision is executed immediately, following judicial procedures.

Either party involved may appeal to the competent court within 15 working days of the Ministry's decision, temporarily halting its implementation until the court issues a ruling.

The decision grants those with a final decision from the Ministry regarding a labour dispute the right to request the cancellation of the original work permit within 60 days, unless the labour relationship is ongoing. Failure to comply may result in the Ministry cancelling the work permit without consulting the involved parties. The complainant can also withdraw the complaint before a final decision is issued. If an individual labour complaint exceeds 50 thousand dirhams and cannot be settled, the Ministry is obliged to refer it to the judiciary.

Additionally, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Awar issued Resolution No. 720 of 2023 concerning the preservation of a worker's entitlements in the event of their death. Employers must request the cancellation of the deceased worker's work permit and deliver entitlements to the designated family member within 10 days of the worker's death or when the employer becomes aware of it.

If this is not possible, the employer must deposit the entitlements into the Ministry's trust account as calculated by the Ministry. Failure to pay within 10 days may lead to administrative suspension of the establishment's file by the Ministry until proof of payment is provided.

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