Security Council Approves Abu Dhabi Guidelines on Drone System Misuse

In a historic move, the Counter-Terrorism Committee of the United Nations Security Council has officially adopted the "Abu Dhabi Guidelines."

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Groundbreaking Initiative during the UAE's Presidency of the Counter-Terrorism Committee

These guidelines, formulated during the UAE's presidency of the Committee and its tenure in the Security Council, mark a significant milestone in addressing the escalating threat of unmanned aircraft systems employed for terrorist purposes.

First-of-its-kind UN Document to Combat Drone-Related Terrorism

The Abu Dhabi Guidelines stand as the inaugural United Nations document dedicated to confronting the challenges posed by unmanned aircraft systems in the context of counter-terrorism. Comprising four guiding principles, the document emphasises the integration of drone threats into national counter-terrorism strategies, the establishment of legal frameworks, awareness-building, and the development of measures for detection, identification, deterrence, and response.

Initiating Non-Binding Guidelines in Response to Evolving Threats

By creating these non-binding guidelines, the Counter-Terrorism Committee demonstrated initiative and supported the Delhi Declaration on Combating the Use of New and Emerging Technology for Terrorist Purposes. The Abu Dhabi Guidelines are an all-encompassing reaction to the growing threat of technology-driven terrorism, which demands immediate attention.

UAE's Commitment to Global Peace and Security

The UAE led this crucial step as the current Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee, demonstrating its dedication to promoting international peace and security. The UAE's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, emphasised the value of the Abu Dhabi Guiding Principles in adjusting to a changing technology environment.

Strengthening International Cooperation for Collective Security

Ambassador Nusseibeh emphasised that the Abu Dhabi Guidelines represent a decisive step by the United Nations in combating terrorist possession and use of drones. The principles, forming part of a comprehensive approach, are poised to enhance the capabilities of member states and stakeholders in detecting, identifying, and responding to drone threats.

UAE's Pledge for Ongoing Collaboration

The UAE looks forward to continued collaboration with the international community in promoting, implementing, and supporting the Abu Dhabi Guiding Principles. This ongoing commitment aims to strengthen collective efforts to safeguard global security and effectively combat the use of unmanned aircraft systems in terrorist activities.

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