Dubai court fined a man 2,088 AED, imprisonment for unauthorized credit card use

A European individual was taken aback when a text message from his bank revealed a withdrawal of 2,088 dirhams from his credit card through unauthorized purchases on electronic shopping sites.

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Responding promptly, he informed the bank to halt the card and reported the incident to the Dubai Police via the eCrime platform.

Dubai Court Delivers Justice in Stolen Credit Card Case

Dubai Police's cybercrime experts swiftly took charge, successfully identifying the card user an Arab national. The perpetrator was subsequently referred to the Public Prosecution, where he admitted to purchasing stolen credit card data from an online market for $15 per card.

Legal Proceedings and Conviction:

The Public Prosecution, after thorough investigations, referred the accused to the misdemeanour court. The court, convinced of the evidence presented, sentenced the individual to a month in prison, imposed a fine equivalent to the seized amount, and ordered his deportation from the country.

Case Details: Victim's Testimony and Cybercriminal's Admission:

The victim, during the court proceedings, detailed receiving text messages confirming unauthorised deductions from his credit card, all stemming from online purchases. He asserted that he neither made nor authorised these transactions. After contacting the bank and reporting the incident to Dubai Police, the victim initiated legal proceedings.

The accused, questioned by the Public Prosecution, admitted to using the complainant’s credit card information for personal gain, acquired from a website selling stolen credit card data for $15 each. He claimed ignorance about the fraudulent nature of the cards at the time of purchase.

Court Verdict: Conviction Upheld with Deportation

The court, satisfied with the evidence, including the defendant’s confession and the victim’s statement, convicted the individual of unauthorised credit card usage for personal financial gain. The verdict included one-month imprisonment, a fine of 2,088 dirhams, and deportation from the country.

Continued Battle Against Cybercrime:

Notably, the Dubai Court of Cassation recently upheld the conviction of a sophisticated electronic fraud gang, comprised of nine defendants from various nationalities. The gang utilised advanced methods, with one member skilled in hacking bank-issued one-time passwords, leading to fraudulent purchases exceeding 280,000 dirhams. The court revealed the gang's double losses inflicted on companies and the necessity to reimburse hacked card owners, emphasising the ongoing challenges posed by cybercrime.

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