Abu Dhabi Court orders delivery representative to pay 210,000 AED in compensation for breach of trust

In a recent ruling, the Abu Dhabi Court of Family, Civil and Administrative Claims mandated a delivery representative to pay a man 210,000 dirhams in compensation. The decision stems from the representative's failure to deliver 206,000 dirhams entrusted to him for a third party.

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The plaintiff initiated legal action, seeking the obligated payment of 206,000 dirhams with a 12% legal interest from the date of the judicial claim. The lawsuit also demanded compensation, along with fees and expenses. The plaintiff substantiated his claim with two receipts, illustrating the defendant's acknowledgment of receiving the entrusted amount for delivery to a third person. Despite being notified via text message, the defendant did not appear in court.

The court, guided by the Law of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Transactions, emphasized the significance of a signed customary document unless explicitly denied by the signatory. The two receipts presented bore the defendant's signature, confirming the receipt of 206,000 dirhams and the commitment to deliver it to a third party. With the defendant's absence and lack of defense, the court determined that the plaintiff was rightfully owed the amount.

Addressing the claim for compensation, the court recognized the defendant's error in not delivering the entrusted sum, resulting in the plaintiff's deprivation and emotional distress. Consequently, the court awarded the plaintiff 4,000 dirhams in compensation for both material and moral damages. The final ruling obliged the defendant to pay a total of 210,000 dirhams to the plaintiff, covering the initial amount and compensation. Additionally, the defendant was ordered to bear the expenses and fees associated with the lawsuit.

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