UAE announces the formation of a new government featuring 13 ministers

The Kuwaiti Emiri Diwan has officially announced the issuance of an Amiri decree, marking the establishment of the new government under the leadership of Sheikh Muhammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah.

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This development ushers in a significant political shift, with a notable focus on fresh faces in ministerial positions.

Composition of the Cabinet

The newly formed government comprises a total of 13 ministers, with a majority of them being newcomers to their respective roles. Notably, three ministers those overseeing information, social affairs, and health retain their positions from the previous government.

Key Appointments

Several pivotal appointments have been made, highlighting the commitment to bringing in new perspectives. Imad Al-Ateeqi steps into the role of Minister of Oil, Anwar Al-Mudhaf assumes the position of Minister of Finance, and Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya takes charge as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Additionally, Abdul Rahman Al-Mutairi has been appointed as the Minister of Information.

Unconventional Choices

In a departure from tradition, Sheikh Muhammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah has opted not to appoint a first deputy to his ministry, deviating from the customary practice observed in previous governments. Furthermore, the new cabinet amalgamates the Ministry of Defense with the Interior, signaling a strategic restructuring of key portfolios.

Ministerial Portfolio Overview

Among the other significant ministerial assignments, Ahmed Al-Awadi assumes the role of Minister of Health, Salem Al-Hajraf oversees the Ministry of Electricity and Water, and MP Daoud Marafi is appointed as the Minister of State for National Assembly and Youth Affairs. The Ministry of Industry is entrusted to Abdullah Al-Jawaan, Faisal Al-Gharib takes on the responsibilities of the Minister of Justice, and Noura Al-Mashaan is tasked with overseeing the Ministry of Works.

Leadership Transition

The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, appointed Sheikh Mohammed Sabah Al-Salem as prime minister last week. A new period led by Sheikh Muhammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah is ushered in by this transition, which represents a turning point in the political history of the nation.

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