Saudi Arabia Introduces New Contracting Rules for International Companies

Following a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Saudi Arabia recently approved new rules pertaining to multinational companies' contracts, which is a noteworthy move.

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The main clause requires businesses to have their headquarters in Riyadh in order to be eligible for government contracts in the kingdom, including those pertaining to NEOM, Expo 2030, and Qiddiya.

Incentives to Encourage Compliance

To incentivize compliance with this new requirement, Saudi Arabia has introduced a range of enticing benefits for companies. Notably, businesses meeting the Riyadh headquarters criterion will enjoy a 30-year exemption from corporate and income taxes for activities associated with their headquarters. In addition to this, they will be eligible for various discounts and supportive services aimed at facilitating the relocation process.

Cabinet Session Overview

The Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, presided over the cabinet meeting, which provided the forum for the announcement and approval of these innovative contracting rules. In addition to this decision, the cabinet conducted a thorough assessment of the national economy's accomplishments for the current year.

Vision 2030 Objectives

Integral to this assessment were discussions on the implementation status of various plans, programmes, and development projects crucial for achieving the comprehensive economic development outlined in Vision 2030. This national strategic framework envisions transforming and diversifying the Saudi economy, reducing dependence on oil, and fostering sustainable growth.

Strategic Shift for Economic Development

The decision to tie government contracts to the location of headquarters in Riyadh represents a strategic shift in Saudi Arabia's economic approach. By centralising business operations in the capital city, the country aims to stimulate economic growth, foster innovation, and position Riyadh as a key hub for international companies engaged in vital national projects.

Commitment to Economic Diversification

This action demonstrates Saudi Arabia's dedication to fostering an environment for business that supports long-term growth and economic diversification. The related incentives help realise the larger goals of Vision 2030, which include creating a dynamic and diversified Saudi economy, in addition to drawing in foreign businesses that are essential for carrying out significant projects.

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