Saudi Arabia and Kuwait affirm Durra field ownership in joint statement

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have reiterated their united stance on the Durra field, asserting its location within Kuwait's exclusive maritime areas.

Read also: Saudi Cabinet greenlights regulation for Supreme Space Council oversight

The Durra field is located within Kuwait's exclusive marine zones, according to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, who have reaffirmed their joint position on the matter. In denying any claims by third parties, they stress that the Durra field and the rest of the submerged territory belong only to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

This reaffirmation came in a joint statement following Kuwait's Emir, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah's visit to Saudi Arabia. During the visit, talks were held with Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

The joint statement also urges Iran to engage in negotiations over the eastern border of the divided submerged area, involving Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as one party, following international law.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait call on Iraq to honor the 2012 agreement concerning the regulation of navigation in the Khor Abdullah waterway. The Khor Abdullah agreement, in force since December 5, 2013, is considered crucial by both nations, and they disapprove of Iraq's unilateral cancellation of the security exchange protocol and endorsed map signed in 2008 and 2014, respectively.

The joint statement reaffirms support for UN Security Council Resolution No. 2107 (2013), aiming to determine the fate of missing Kuwaitis and third-country nationals and the return of seized Kuwaiti property.

Economically, both nations applaud the growth of trade relations and mutual investments. They express a desire to expand economic cooperation and partnership in line with their respective visions, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 and Kuwait's Vision 2035.

On defense and security, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait commit to strengthening cooperation to ensure regional security. They emphasize the importance of combating crimes like drug trafficking, border security, extremism, and terrorism and promoting a culture of moderation and tolerance.

Addressing the Palestinian territories, both nations express deep concern about the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. They call for international action to halt Israeli aggression, protect civilians, and enable humanitarian aid. A comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian issue based on a two-state solution, the Arab Peace Initiative, and relevant UN resolutions is emphasized.

Regarding Yemen, they express support for international and regional efforts for a comprehensive political solution. Kuwait praises Saudi Arabia's initiatives for dialogue and reconciliation among Yemeni parties and humanitarian aid efforts.

Concerning navigation in the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait stress maintaining security and stability, respecting the right to safe maritime navigation, and calling for restraint and de-escalation amid heightened regional tensions.

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