The Sultanate of Oman announces good news for both public and private schools

Both public and private schools in Oman will get a three-day weekend thanks to a newly announced holiday.

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New to the Sultanate of Oman is a three-day weekend for all students, whether they attend public or private schools. The goal of the campaign is to recognize and appreciate the important work that teachers do by making February 24th the official holiday for all schools. Schools will celebrate on Sunday, February 25, rather than February 24, because the two dates fall on consecutive weekends this year.

The Ministry of Education, through a statement on social media, declared, "Acknowledging Omani Teachers’ Day, traditionally observed on February 24 each year, His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik has kindly designated this day as an official holiday for all educators, regardless of gender, and individuals holding pertinent teaching and administrative positions in both public and private educational institutions." Additionally, it highlighted the annual commemoration of Teachers’ Day and outlined a provision for alternative observance in cases where it coincides with an existing holiday.

The decision to declare February 25 as a holiday for educational entities, both governmental and private, aligns with Oman's commitment to honoring the pivotal role of educators in shaping the nation's future. The announcement reflects a broader appreciation for the dedication and hard work of teachers, recognizing their role in nurturing and guiding the country's youth.

Furthermore, the government's initiative underscores the importance of fostering a supportive and conducive environment within the education sector, aiming to boost morale and motivation among teachers and educational staff. Overall, the introduction of Teachers’ Day as an official holiday underscores Oman's commitment to valuing and celebrating the tireless efforts and contributions of its educators.

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